Florida Man February 4 - The Cigar Skirmish

So, what did Florida Man do on February 4? Is there something more random and straight ridiculous as usual? See the full stories here:

Florida Man February 4, 2019 – Don’t Touch my Cigars

Police arrested a Florida man from Pinellas Park after attacking his sister and boyfriend for allegedly smoking his cigars.

A misunderstanding turned into something more chaotic than expected. Responding officers arrested the Florida Man, Brian Keith Harrington (23), for an assault on his sister and a responding police officer.

The story began when there was a misunderstanding between him and his sister’s boyfriend. Harrington thought that he was smoking Harrington’s cigars without telling him.

Filled with rage, Harrington attacked the boyfriend blindly and shoved his sister and relatives during the altercation. His family tried to calm him down to no avail.

Unfortunately, things got bitter for his sister. After the rage, he went to the refrigerator and started throwing things at her. The things he threw included half a gallon of juice and a ketchup bottle. His sister was six weeks pregnant at that time.

When he tried to push the refrigerator over, his relatives immediately attempted to stop him. Seeing the situation worsen, one of the relatives decided to call the police. 

Not long after, the officers came and tried to apprehend the man. However, Harrington didn’t want to cooperate. Instead, he bit an officer on the left thumb and then told the officers that he would kill them later. 

Despite being involved in a violent situation, the sister’s boyfriend decided not to press any charges on Harrington. Harrington is now facing prison for domestic assault, assault on a law enforcement officer, and resisting an arrest. The bail was set at $10,150

Later on, it turns out that this isn’t the only time Harrington has faced prison time. Previously, police had arrested him and charged him with six different, including grand theft, burglary, and marijuana possession. Due to his crimes, a judge had put him in jail twice before the current charges.

Florida Man February 4 - The Cigar Skirmish

Florida Man February 4, 2022 – Gas Attack

Police arrested a man for throwing propane tanks at his ex-wife’s house.

Although what he has done is dangerous, fortunately, he did not harm anyone in the incident.

It all started when the man came to his ex-wife’s house uninvited. Instead of asking permission to enter like most people do when visiting other people’s houses, he knocked on the bedroom window forcefully.

The wife and kids decided to remain hidden as if they were not home at all. But of course, the man knew that they were inside.

After knocking on the window, he slashed his left arm with a knife while yelling, “look what you made me do.” Officers came immediately but he had already left the scene. However, they eventually arrested the man after a judge issued a warrant for armed burglary. They found him in the nearby AdventHealth and arrested him shortly after.

Final Thoughts

Sometimes, misunderstandings can cause family or friends to do crazy things. Especially if you have the problem-solving skills of your average Florida man.

Instead of doing things based on impulse, calm yourself down and think about your actions first. Don’t let your emotion drive you to somewhere you don’t want to be.

If you want to learn more about Florida man, check out our other posts. If you want to request a date, like your birthday, please do so in the comments below.

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